Madam C. J. Walker- May need additional permission for jacket/cover/Marketing use. Consult Smithsonian. Photographer: Addison N. Scurlock. Circa. 1914, Gelatin silver print.
Frederick Douglass January 26, 1874. By John Howe Kent. Albumen silver print. Additional permission required from George Eastman Museum. ID: 1992.1048.0001
D. H. Lawrence. Year 1929. Photograph by Bob Davis. Permission from the Yale University Committee on Literary Property is required to publish Mabel Dodge Luhan materials in any format. To learn more, contact the Curator, Yale Collection of American Literature.
D. H. Lawrence. Year 1929. Photograph by Bob Davis. Permission from the Yale University Committee on Literary Property is required to publish Mabel Dodge Luhan materials in any format. To learn more, contact the Curator, Yale Collection of American Literature.
D. H. Lawrence. Year 1929. Photograph by Bob Davis. Permission from the Yale University Committee on Literary Property is required to publish Mabel Dodge Luhan materials in any format. To learn more, contact the Curator, Yale Collection of American Literature.